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Trinity 5239 CF 3 Bay Covered Hopper
5,239 Cubic Foot Covered Hopper
5,239 cubic foot capacity, lighter weight, through center sill design with an optimized car length and corrugated side seam construction. A variety of options are available to meet shipper needs.
Each Kit includes Body, Detail Parts, Wire Grab Irons and Photo-etched Walkways where applicable, Tru-color Paint and Decals. What parts are needed for each scale is listed below.

AZL Roller Bearing Trucks with Medium Extension Coupler

Micro Scale #1015 Couplers and Roller Bearing Trucks

Kadee #705 Couplers and 36" Wheels, Roller Bearing Trucks Included

Kadee#158 Couplers and Roller Bearing Trucks(Barber S-2 HD Trucks)

Kadee #802 Couplers and Roller Bearing Trucks

Kadee #745 Couplers and Roller Bearing Trucks

Kadee #1900 Couplers and Roller Bearing Trucks
#1070 Trinity 5239 CF 3 Bay Covered Hopper Union Pacific

#1071 Trinity 5239 CF 3 Bay Covered Hopper Union Pacific CMO

#1072 Trinity 5239 CF 3 Bay Covered Hopper Norfolk Southern NS
Coming Soon
#1073 Trinity 5239 CF 3 Bay Covered Hopper Dow Chemical DOWX
Coming Soon
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